The Esper Genesis Heroic Sci-Fi Role-playing GameTM reached its funding goal on Kickstarter during GAMA Trade Show last week, and stretch goals are now being unlocked. Lead Designer Rich Lescouflair answered questions from retailers at the Studio 2 Publishing booth.

Studio 2 will be handling our fulfilment to distribution in North America, and Alligator Alley Entertainment also made contact with a European distributor, laying the groundwork for sales and more affordable backer fulfillment to that continent.

Our Brick & Mortar Retailer-Friendly Crowd-Funding Campaign program received wide praise and approval, with some of the top game stores in North America pledging at the show.

The Kickstarter campaign has 19 days left. The campaign page can be reached via this link.


About the game

Esper Genesis: Heroic Sci-Fi Role-playingTM is fully compatible with the 5e rules. Created by Rich Lescouflair (In Volo’s Wake, Curse of the Demon Stone, Castle Skydawn Designs), Esper Genesis is a high-adventure game with a detailed, immersive universe setting powered by a familiar, fast-paced rules engine.

Esper Genesis is the new product line from Alligator Alley Entertainment, which was founded by Lescouflair, Eric Wiener (Witch Hunter: The Invisible World, Arcanis Role-playing Game, formerly of Paradigm Concepts), and long-time retailer, graphic designer, and industry veteran Brian Dalrymple.

Open playtest of Esper Genesis began at GenCon 2016. The playtest materials,and a 64-page starter adventure, The Fall of the Eos Keldor, are available for free download at


Planned Releases

The initial game books (expected December 2017) include:

ª Esper Genesis Core Manual – all of the main rules for play, including character generation, races, robots, classes, gear, combat, a small bestiary, and Esper powers. SRP $49.99

ª Silrayne Threats Database – additional beasts, adversaries, and aliens. SRP to be determined.

ª Master Technician’s Handbook – additional gear, weapons, tech, and spacecraft. SRP to be determined.



An introductory Basic Rules PDF will be available for free download this summer, and physical copies of these introductory rules will be on sale at Origins and Gen Con.

Preview adventures for our Crucible Corps organized play campaign will be run at both shows.

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