Sometime in the early 90’s, a group of friends and I started a random D&D game, most of which ran off the top of my head. The actions of their characters slowly began to weave a storyline that would expand into a game that lasted a few years and even developed it’s own setting. Demonbane was originally intended to be a trilogy of novels, the hopes of which fell short after the acquisition of TSR, Inc. It has now been released in OGL adventure format by Alligator Alley Entertainment.
With time, it is my hope that the new Demonbane Chronicles will grow to become the amazing setting that was the backdrop for the original campaign. The first batch of printed modules will be available at the Origins Game Fair and at GenCon 2016. The PDF version is available now at
I own thanks to a lot of people, from all my friends that gave me the motivation to create again, to the great guys at AAE, to the people in the industry who took a look at my stuff and was nice enough to tell me it was good. 🙂 So, stay tuned for more!